Briefly... Transport Canada rules and regulations are found within the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) and are enforceable. Section 601.20 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), provides that, subject to section 601.21, no person shall project or cause to be projected a directed bright light source into navigable airspace in such a manner as to create a hazard to aviation safety or cause damage to an aircraft or injury to persons on board the aircraft. Additionally, according to Health Canada and Transport Canada, it is illegal to carry lasers above 1 mW unless you have a permit to do so. |
The RASC has applied and received written authorization from Transport Canada to use handheld Laser Pointers (LP) under certain conditions for Astronomy. This is renewed every three years.
The RASC developed a program to train RASC members only to be qualified users of LP in conjunction with qualified spotters during RASC-endorsed events. RASC Centres control who is authorized to use a LP and host training sessions for their members according to Transport Canada and RASC criteria. The RASC Public Liability Insurance applies to RASC-endorsed events when events meet the criteria [RASC insurance].
The training program materials consisting of a slide presentation and speaker notes are available for download (linked). The exam, administered to measure successful completion of the course, is available to qualified trainers by contacting the RASC Halifax Centre. In addition, there is a video of the initial training session on our Youtube Channel (without the exam).