RASC, Halifax Centre Meetings

Meetings of Halifax Centre are from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM on the FIRST SATURDAY of the month (except July and August and OCT 2023). There may be exceptions if the date falls on a holiday weekend. All meetings and special sessions are recorded and are accessible on the RASC Halifax Centre YouTube channel. 

Time: Oct. 5, 1:00 PM Atlantic (12:00 Noon, Eastern)
Place: Room AT101, The Atrium, Saint Mary's University or by Zoom

Saint Mary's University encourages masks to be worn in classrooms.

We would love to see you at Saint Mary's University. However, if you are a distant member or would prefer not to attend at this time, you can attend via Zoom. If there is a change in location at SMU, we will notify members early next week.

Register for the Zoom meeting using this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 


Member's Meeting

  • Welcome & Introductions - David Hoskin
  • Photo Montage - David Hoskin
  • ETU Guides for sale
  • AstroImaging Contest
  • Dr. Luigi Gallo - JAXA's XRISM Satellite
  • Food for the Soul - Paul Heath
  • What's Up in Oct? -  David Hoskin
  • News from the Board - Tony McGrath
  • Telescope Display
And so it begins
Paul Heath
David Hoskin
Tony McGrath
Sept - potentially BBQ in lieu of meeting
Oct - Dr. Luigi Gallo - JAXA's XRISM Satellite
Nov - TBD
Dec - AGM