Sky Atlas 2000.0

- Category: Atlas
- Author: Dr. Donald, Craig J. Hogan
- Publisher: Sky Pub Corp;
- ISBN: 9780933346338
- Year: 1981
Hits: 3102
Lent status: Available
Availability: 1/1
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The standard against which all other star atlases are measured, this best-selling atlas has been completely revised and updated! Each version of Sky Atlas 2000.0 contains 26 charts covering the whole sky and showing 81,312 single, multiple, and variable stars of magnitude 8.5 and brighter and 2,700 deep-sky objects. Includes close-up charts of such areas as the celestial poles and the Virgo-Coma galaxy region, as well as an acetate coordinate-grid overlay for determining accurate positions. A must for any stargazer!
Date insert: Monday, 31 December 2018