Cover of The Story Of Astronomy
Category: History
Publisher: Quercia Publishing Ltd
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781847241863
Year: 2008

Hits: 770

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1


The Origins of Astronomy
Ancient Stargazing - from Babylon to Greece
Ptolemy Creates the Almagest
Omar Khayyam and the Rise of the East
The Copernican Revolution
Brahe, Kepler and the Chase for the Planets
Galileo the Heretic
The Transit of Venus
Newton Unveils the Clockwork Universe
The Great Observatories
The Quest for Longitude
Herschel Maps the Heavens
Measuring the World
Einstein, Relativity and a Revolution
The Hubble Universe
The Life of Stars
Seeing the Invisible Black Holes and Quasars
Hawking - Exploring the Boundaries
The Space Age
In the Beginning, The Big Bang
Revealing Dark Matter and Energy
The Search for Life


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