April 5th - Halifax Centre Monthly Public Meeting Open to Members and the Public - see the details
Time: 1:00 PM Atlantic (12:00 Noon, Eastern)
Place: Room AT101, The Atrium, Loyola Academic Complex, LA171 this month only! Saint Mary's University, Halifax
Dr. David Turner - The crater near Indian Point on Mahone Bay
For more information on this meeting is available here - RASC Events. See you there!Upcoming Meeting Dates
May 3 - Tony Schellinck - Women in Astronomy
June 7 - Dave Chapman - Celestial Birds, Their Lore and Wonder
(no meetings July/August)
September 6 - David Hoskin - All-in-One Smart Telescopes
October 4 - Special Guest - TBD
November 1 - Pat Kelly - Telling time in Scotland: From Stones to Sundials
December 6 (+ AGM)
How Lunar Impact Craters are Formed (Paul Heath)