SCO is a gem of an observatory for the Halifax Centre. David Lane was one of leaders in the inception, site selection, design, fundraising and construction of the St. Croix Observatory (SCO), a place where we have gathered for over 30 years to observe, to explore, to contemplate and to wonder. Dave understood this at a deep level and wished to ensure that his passion for astronomy would continue to thrive into the future, through other observers, at SCO.
On December 7, 2024, Michelle Lane announced the David Lane Memorial St. Croix Observatory Property Endowment (SCOPE) Fund 24 with the initial and substantial gift of $10,000 (
Double your dollars with SCOPE!
In addition to the original donation, Michelle will match, dollar for dollar, to a maximum of $5000, every donation made to the SCOPE Fund during the 2025 calendar year. This means your contributions will have double the impact in supporting our observatory’s ongoing maintenance and operations.
This is our observatory. It is now up to us to keep it, maintain it, use it, and improve it, for the present and into the future. Please support SCO by contributing to the SCOPE fund, thus ensuring a source of annual income to support the ongoing maintenance and future success of our observatory. We have a year to make it happen: January 1 to December 31, 2025.
How can you donate?
You can donate through an e-transfer to our Treasurer –
In the comments field of the e-transfer, please indicate your donation is for the Dave Lane Memorial SCOPE Fund.
** Please note that because we do not have charitable organization status, we cannot issue tax receipts.
Fund Governance:
- As of December 7, 2024, the signed agreement between Michelle Lane and the RASC Halifax Centre outlines how the fund’s principal will be protected in perpetuity with only the investment income available for expenditure any given year.
- Effective October 1, 2024, revisions were approved for RASC Halifax Centre Policy G14: Policies Regarding Donations to the RASC Halifax Centre ( ).
- Hits: 228
Tony Schellinck's The ACE Amatuer Astronomy Programme
Dave Chapman's ACE Lunar Observing Certificate
SkyMaps Evening Sky Map and Calendar
Clear Sky Chart: Will it be clear for observing tonight?
- Clear Sky Chart for St. Croix
- Clear Sky Chart for Halifax
- Clear Sky Chart for Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Choosing Binoculars (PDF) - what to consider when purchasing binoculars
Mini Messier Observing List "Deep Sky" for beginners (pdf)
Micro Messier Observing List for absolute beginners (pdf)
The National RASC Observing Page provides information regarding RASC observing programs and much more. It also provides observing tips and expectations.
Two lists of RASC Halifax Centre Certificate holders are provided:
Halifax Centre Observing Certificate Recipients
Halifax Centre Astroimaging Certificate Recipients
- Hits: 3966
The RASC Halifax Centre has its own observatory in a dark-sky location near St. Croix, just off Highway 101 between Halifax and Windsor. The St. Croix Observatory (SCO) was built by the members themselves, supported by donations and a generous land-lease arrangement with Timberland Holdings (2010) Limited. The site consists of a roll-off-roof observatory that has room for members to set up several telescopes, a warm room for breaks, and a toilet and store room facility.
NOTE: In accordance with provincial COVID policy, restrictions on the SCO site were lifted as of March 21st, 2022. However, the RASC Halifax Centre still encourages members to wear masks, to distance themselves when appropriate, and to get vaccinated against Covid-19 if they have not already done so.
History and Construction Details
Read about the History of SCO and its 25th Anniversary celebrations.
Here are the general Guidelines for SCO use (pdf) and here is the information and manual for the Thurlow Binoculars (pdf).
SCO equipment is not available for loan.
- Hits: 5540
Enjoy dark clear nights away from city lights and the company of like-minded amateur astronomers who appreciate the wonders of the night sky. Most clear Moon-free nights, you will find our keen observers out there!
Halifax RASC Monthly Observing Nights for 2025
Month | New Moon | Members Night | |
January | Wed 29th Jan | Friday 31st Jan | Punamujuik'us (Tomcod Spawning/Frost Fish Moon) |
February | Thursday 27th Feb | Friday 28th Feb | Apuknajit (Snow Blinding Moon) |
March | Saturday 29th March | Friday 28th Mar | Siwkewiku's (Spring/Maple Sugar Moon) |
April | Sunday 27th April | Friday 25th Apr | Penatmuiku's (Birds Laying Eggs Moon) |
May |
Monday 26th May |
Friday 30 May |
Sqoljuiku's (Frogs Croaking Moon) |
June |
Wednesday 25th June |
Friday 27th Jun |
Nipniku's (Trees Fully Leafed Moon) |
July |
Thursday 24th July |
Friday 25th July |
Peskewiku's (Birds Shedding Feathers Moon) |
August |
Saturday 23rd Aug |
Nova East Weekend |
Kisikewiku's (Berry Ripening Moon) |
September |
Sunday 21st Sept |
Friday 19th Sept |
Wikumkewiku's (Mate Calling Moon) |
October |
Tuesday 21st Oct |
Friday 17th Oct |
Wikewiku's (Animal Fattening Moon) |
November |
Thursday 20th Nov |
Friday 21st Nov |
Keptekewiku's (Rivers Starting to Freeze Moon) |
December |
Friday 19th Dec |
Friday 19th Dec |
Kesikewiku's or Kjiku's (Winter/Chief Moon) |
Members can be found observing there most clear, dark nights. For more information, Contact Us .
Become a SCO Key Holder
For a modest fee, members who have been in good standing for more than a year and who have been briefed on the operation of the observatory can gain access to the facility by having their very own key. Contact Us for details.
- Hits: 1451