Deep Sky Companions: The Secret Deep

- Category: Reference
- Author: Thierry Legault, Thierry Legault, Steven James O’Meara, Steven James O’Meara
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Pages: 498
- ISBN: 9780521198769
- Year: 2011
Hits: 3421
Lent status: Available
Availability: 1/1
In this fresh list, Stephen James OMeara presents 109 new objects for stargazers to observe. The Secret Deep list contains many exceptional objects, including a planetary nebula whose last thermal pulse produced a circumstellar shell similar to the one expected in the final days of our Suns life; a piece of the only supernova remnant known visible to the unaided eye; the flattest galaxy known; the largest edge-on galaxy in the heavens; the brightest quasar; and the companion star to one of the first black hole candidates ever discovered.
Date insert: Monday, 31 December 2018