Sirius: The Brightest Diamond in Sky

- Category: Reference
- Author: Jay B. Holberg
- Publisher: Jerry Lodriguss
- Pages: 250
- ISBN: 9780387489414
- Year: 2007
Hits: 3567
Lent status: Available
Availability: 1/1
This book tells two stories. The first and most obvious is why the star known as Sirius has been regarded as an important fixture of the night sky by many civilizations and cultures since the beginnings of history. A second, but related, narrative is the prominent part that Sirius has played in how we came to achieve our current scientific understanding of the nature and fate of the stars. This is the first book to integrate the cultural history of Sirius with modern astrophysics in a way which provides a realistic view of how science progresses over time.
Date insert: Monday, 31 December 2018