The Year-Round Messier Marathon Field Guide: With Complete Maps, Charts and Tips to Guide You to Enjoying the Most Famous List of Deep-Sky Objects

- Category: Reference
- Author: H. C. Pennington
- Publisher: Broadway Books
- ISBN: 9780943396545
- Year: 1997
Hits: 6029
Lent status: Available
Among the deepest satisfactions of amateur astronomy is knowing your way around the sky. From the familiar guideposts of the brightest stars, you confidently point your binoculars or telescope toward the Andromeda galaxy, the Hercules cluster, or the Lagoon nebula. This book was written for the person who wants to become deeply familiar with the most famous list of 110 deep-sky wonders, the Messier objects. Using bright “guidepost stars”and detailed sky charts, the novice soon learns how to find the nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies that every amateur astronomer should know. And you need not “run” this marathon just a few weeks a year. Even at the worst you will have about 90 of the 110 objects visible throughout the year!