Explore the Universe Guide

- Category: Reference
- Author: Brenda Shaw
- Publisher: Delta
- Pages: 74
- ISBN: 9781927879139
- Year: 2018
Hits: 3399
Lent status: Available
Availability: 1/1
f you are just starting out in astronomy, the ETU Guide is for you. This illustrated book answers questions about astronomical coordinates, constellations, eclipses, the Moon, major and minor planets, comets and more. Its the perfect guide to start learning your way around the sky, using the technique of "star-hopping" to find objects with your eyes, in binoculars, or in telescopes. Seven all-sky star charts are included, as well as a special map of the Moon showing where to find lunar features such as seas, craters, and mountain ranges.
Date insert: Monday, 31 December 2018