Watchers of the Stars

- Category: History
- Author: Diane L. Dupuis, D. W. Sciama
- Publisher: Putnam Pub Group
- Pages: 239
- ISBN: 978-0399113741
- Year: 1974
Hits: 9361
Lent status: Available
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To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s historic first recorded astronomical observations and to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Astronomy 2009, Horwood Publishing is delighted to announce the publication of this third edition by Sir Patrick Moore, one of the great presenters of astronomy in our time. It tells the epic story of the historical development of astronomy which caused a revolutionary change in human outlook, in its impact upon both scientific thinking and religious belief. It is a fascinating story, well researched and told in a scholarly yet exciting narrative that will be read with enjoyment and profit astronomers, historians and the general public. Formerly titled The Great Astronomical Revolution, the book includes a new foreword, new illustrations and colour plates, due Autumn 2009.