Astrophotography Basics: Meteors, Comets, Eclipses, Aurorae, Star Trails.

- Category: Astrophotography
- Author: David J. Eicher, Peter M. Millman
- Publisher: Kodak
- Pages: 25
- ISBN: ED304333
- Year: 1988
Hits: 3076
Lent status: Available
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This pamphlet gives an introduction to the principles of astronomical picture-taking. Chapters included are: (1) "Getting Started" (describing stationary cameras, sky charts and mapping, guided cameras, telescopes, brightness of astronomical subjects, estimating exposure, film selection, camera filters, film processing, and exposure for basic astrophotography); (2) "Solar Eclipse" (discussing safety issues, filters for partial phases, focal length of lens, camera protection, exposure, what to photograph, telescope, camera support, filters, and exposure for still and movie cameras); and (3) "Lunar Eclipse" (presenting general procedures, exposure, and exposure recommendations). The appendix provides information on books, references, and supply sources. Many pictures, diagrams, and tables are provided.